1. I am not a supplier
My design proposals are based on research, problem definitions and more than 20 years of experience on how to get the job done. You can trust me to work out the best solution for you.
2. I do not work for, but with you
Working together as partners at equal level achieves the best results. The better I understand your business model and the associated tasks to solve, the better I can help you. ​​​​​​​
3. I design for your customers
So don't take it personally if I try to talk you out of something by taking a different perspective than you. That is what I do for a living.
4. I am a service professional
And just like your car mechanic has to tell you when your brakes need fixing, sometimes I have to suggest optimisations that were not initially on your scope.
5. I do not work for free
My design and strategic consultancy services are the core of my livelihood and my experience in doing this is my most valuable resource. Therefore, please understand that I do not do this without payment.
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