Agency  ressourcenmangel
United in diversity​​​​​​​
The European University of Social Sciences unites eight leading European higher education institutions in the social sciences, humanities, business management and public policy, with a total of 50,000 students and 10,000 faculty members.
CIVICA embodies the European idea in its purest form: "United in diversity." To this end, the student and faculty communities connected via the CIVICA alliance are at the heart of its identity and ethos. Together, the alliance aim to build the European campus of the future: grounded in excellent learning and teaching, offering seamless mobility, promoting an interdisciplinary approach, and bridging education and research across all regions of Europe. 
CIVICA was selected in 2019 by the European Commission as one of the pilot European Universities, funded under the Erasmus+ programme.
Simplicity as Basic Tenor
The CIVICA Alliance needed a common internet presence, although at that time only a relatively small financial contingent was available. For this reason, a technical and visual concept was developed that united and bundled the information of the individual member universities in a simple way.
As a Minimum Viable Product, the concept went back to the origins of the World Wide Web and linked content in a hub with a common look and feel. The basic tenor of the concept was to be as simple as possible, thus allowing the envisaged common need for features and functions to be fully achieved at low cost.

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