Agency • ressourcenmangel

study worldwide - EXPERIENCE IT!
From the target group for the target group - that is the idea behind the campaign „studieren weltweit - ERLEBE ES!“ (study worldwide - EXPERIENCE IT!) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Students who are currently on a stay abroad (study, internship, language course) report on their experiences and adventures as correspondents on in personal blog posts and on social networks. They not only share their adventures, but also information on planning and financing a stay abroad. Over the past years, a large network of correspondents has been formed, who are still connected in a friendly way even years after their stay abroad.
Campaign on the Web
An editorial team accompanies the students on their way. Before they go abroad, they are prepared for their new task as a correspondent in a workshop. During their time abroad, they receive editorial support.
The texts, photos and contributions of the correspondents are used to generate content for all channels of the campaign and supplemented by the editorial team with additional content. On Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, for example, there are posts geared to the target group that inform but also entertain. Video formats on current topics, memes, brief information on scholarships, quotes from the blog posts and weekly takeovers alternate and show how colourful and exciting the time abroad is. In the video format „There. Back. Further. study worldwide - the series“, two correspondents are accompanied intensively during their time abroad. The campaign is thus characterised by the characters of the correspondents and offers a lot of identification potential for the young target group.
For the expansion, modernisation and optimisation of the campaign website „study worldwide“, the look and feel of the site was revised and made more „adult“. The organically grown site received a usability and UX update by choosing to use more effective module types that allow users to operate more intuitively via tabs on specific topics. And much more – experience it!