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Civic Coding – AI Innovation Network for the Common Good
Civic Coding is a joint initiative of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUV), which aims to join forces in an open network and promote the development and use of applications for the common good based on artificial intelligence (AI). Different possibilities for cooperation and collaboration are being developed.

Different Technical Merger Options
A strategy paper was required for the political decision-making body, consisting of staff from the three ministries, which illustrated the necessary technical construction scenarios, as well as advantages and disadvantages, in an easily understandable way for the laying of the foundation stone for the joint project.

Basic Scenarios
Four basic scenarios were outlined and the respective effects on development, maintenance and user experience were illustrated in a matrix using a traffic light system

The decision was made to dissolve the already existing Civic Innovation Platform with its functioning matching system for project ideas into a joint project with network functions separated by department. After the decision was made, a separate office was set up, which is responsible for the operational business independently of the individual ministries.