Client • Lignum Holding

German-Bulgarian Sustainability
The Lignum Group grows European precious wood, produces premium products from it (e.g. high-quality furniture) and offers European precious wood as an asset in the form of tangible assets. With around 500 employees in Germany and Bulgaria, the group realises a unique, sustainable and closed value chain on a socially responsible basis.

Design tasks to do
The assignment consisted of conception and design of responsive and adaptive websites and program interfaces, guiding the in-house programmers and co-designing corporate and brand design as well as advising the management on digital solutions.

The results were a web application for drawing up contracts for the external sales partners of nobilis Sachwertanlagen, concept development and design of the holding website with a simple, innovative navigation, further development of the basic CI and brand design of the Vivum in- & outdoor furniture brand, as well as conception of a shop solution with company-specific specifications.
